Monday, January 26, 2009

Judith at the Bannister House

A Day at the Hospital

Dialisys first today at UCSD Medical Center at Hillcrest. It is right up the mountain from our hotel. Then some good news. We got into the Bannister House. Click here to learn more. Bannister Family House provides a home away from home for families of patients undergoing long-term care at UCSD Medical Center in Hillcrest and Thornton Hospital in La Jolla. It's only $40 a night and is as nice or nicer than the hotel we're in for much less that half the price.
At 3pm we went to Thornton Hospital to have some labs and xrays. The ventilation/perfusion scan showed that Judith's right lung is getting no bloodflow, so we're at the right place at the right time (I hope).