Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Various Other Visits

So, where else was I able to pop in and take some pics while we were there?

Mt. Soledad

The La Jolla Cove:

Sunny Jim Cave:

Racine & Laramie

I told you that I'd get back to the cigar shop. Racine & Laramie is just an excellent place, run by fine, fine folks. It was my port in the storm, my home away from home. I only got to spend a very few hours there, but made some good friends that I hope to visit again. David Mogilner, Vice President and son of the owner, went above and beyond in making me feel welcome. Harry Harris was hospitality personified. Here they are with the box of "Black Barts" that I bought. That's David on the left and Harry on the right.

Here's some pics of the place.

If you ever get down to San Diego, and you like cigars, look these guys up. Tell 'em Kam sent you.

Immaculate Conception Church

I visited the Immaculate Conception Church in Old Town.

Cabrillo National Monument

I went down to the Cabrillo National Monument to take some pictures of the Old Point Loma Lighthouse.

The view is incredible.

I drove through the Ft. Rosecrans National Cemetery.

The Tall Ships

We went down to the Maritime Museum and saw the tall ships. I got to stand at the wheel of the ship they used in "Master and Commander", the HMS Suprise. The ships real name is the HMS Rose. We also saw the Star of India, the Californian, the Berkeley and the Medea.

What Fun

So, what FUN stuff did we get to do while we were in San Diego? Consider that the first week was mostly tests and Judith wasn't admitted to the hospital until the 2nd. She couldn't do much, but we did manage to squeeze in a few fun things. I'll enter them as individual posts.

The Hotel Del Coronado (the "Del"):

We went to Champagne Brunch at the Del on Sunday. You have to do this if you ever get a chance. It's slightly more fancy than my usual Sunday fare. Check it out HERE.