Friday, February 6, 2009

Late Friday

Judith is in her own room in the IMU. She is tired but doing well. She's right on the overall timeline and it's beginning to look like we could be heading home around Valentine's day.

Friday's Progress

Judith is doing really well. She still has the occasional coughing, but that is required for her lungs to heal. They are talking about getting her to a regular room this evening. She is on dialysis now and they want to see how she does first. She was able to have a Dr. Pepper and half a turkey sandwich earlier, and she was also able to talk on the phone a bit.

San Diego Observations

San Diegans are some walking/bicycling fiends. There are at least as many cars here as are in Dallas (probably more) but that many more folks seem to be hoofing/pedalling it. Its not like we're talking about an easy walk/ride. Most of the "getting around" here would challenge Lance Armstrong. There's plenty of easy X and Y travel, but the frequent Z would kill me. At least I think it would, but even though there are plenty of the the super fit Californians everywhere, there are just as many folks walking and biking that look like me. And for those of you who don't know, I ain't small.

Thursday in the Later PM

So I get back after they kick me out of the ICU for shift change and Judith is in a chair! She had several spoons of her dinner and looked more awake that she has so far.