Wednesday, January 28, 2009

New News is Good News - I Think

We were at Thornton Hospital at 8 this morning for a heart cath and some other stuff. The big news is that we are a go for surgery, but it will be Tuesday the 3rd instead of Monday. They bumped everything forward a day in order to do some more cardiac tests. They feel that Judith is more ill than she should be based on the lung issues alone. They suspect that there are clogged arteries that need to be delt with as well. These new tests will explore that theory. If they find more heart issues they may end up doing a bypass at the same time as the lung surgery. The point is to do everything that needs to be done while they're in there. So, as always, we'll know more tomorrow!

This change in schedule will free up the weekend for a little break from the hospital. Judith can't do much, but we may go ride the train around at the zoo or drive up the coast again.

While Judith was in dialysis this evening, I went to Racine & Laramie, the original San Diego Cigar Shoppe and smoked my first San Diego cigar. More on that later.