Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Hounds of Winter

Mercury falling
I rise from my bed
Collect my thoughts together
I have to hold my head
It seems that she's gone
And somehow I am pinned by
The Hounds of Winter
Howling in the wind

I walk through the day
My coat around my ears
I look for my companion
I have to dry my tears
It seems that she's gone
Leaving me too soon
I'm as dark as December
I'm as cold as the Man in the Moon

I still see her face
As beautiful as day
It's easy to remember
Remember my love that way
All I hear is that lonesome sound
The Hounds of Winter
They follow me down

I can't make up the fire
The way that she could
I spend all my days
In the search for dry wood
Board all the windows and close the front door
I can't believe she won't be here anymore

I still see her face
As beautiful as day
It's easy to remember
Remember my love that way
All I hear is that lonesome sound
The Hounds of Winter
They follow me down

A season for joy
A season for sorrow
Where she's gone
I will surely, surely follow
She brightened my day
She warmed the coldest night
The Hounds of Winter
They got me in their sights

I still see her face
As beautiful as day
It's easy to remember
Remember my love that way
All I hear is that lonesome, lonesome sound
The Hounds of Winter
They harry me down

Friday, June 3, 2011

One Year

I wish I had something more profound to say. This month will be a year since Judith passed. Laura is graduating high school and I feel Judith's absense more acutely than ever. How am I to guide this young lady? I have none of her mother's insights. There's so much she will have to learn on her own.

We have lost so much in the recent past. My grandfather, aunt, wife and grandmother, in that order. As I move into the role of "elder" in my family, I know that the largest changes are still to come.

I remember riding in my little red wagon. It was so hard to push up the hill, that I thought all the hard work had been done by the time I crested it. Turns out, that was nothing compared to the wild ride down the other side.