Sunday, July 21, 2013

Just A Thought

The stars are shining The moon is bright And I would kill To be with you tonight...

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


You know, one of the hardest things to come to terms with is the fact that the world just keeps rolling on, after a tragedy. And it was a tragedy, on so many levels. Children lost their mother. Siblings lost their sister. I lost my greatest friend. The world lost a person with that rarest of qualities, grace. But on it goes.

That really bothered me in the early days. I wanted fire. I wanted wailing. I wanted apocalypse.

I wanted the world to recognize its loss - my loss.

But there is too much loss, and that's not the world's job. I took the picture above today, on a break. That's the world doing its job.

Look up. You'll see what I mean.