Thursday, February 5, 2009


Got some sleep and was at the hospital by 8am. Judith was still out and had tubes everywhere. They were slowly turning down the respirator to see how well she was breathing on her own as she came out from under the sedation. She did well but was coughing quite a bit and was in a great deal of pain. It's hard to explain what it is to watch someone you love go through something like that. I think it's worse because, due to the tube in her throat, all the pain was in silence. I won't go into detail, but if yesterday was the longest day of my life, today, up until they took the tube out, was the hardest.

After that ordeal, Judith has done very well. She is not coughing much and was able to take some fluids tonight. There's a great deal of pain, but they stay on top of the pain meds. She has some extremely rough days ahead, but she seems to be right on track, and maybe a little ahead right now.

We want to thank everyone that has been pulling for her. Your thoughts, energies and prayers have helped a great deal. There is still so far to go. We love you all.


Anonymous said...

Patricia and Charles are friends from church. They have shared Judith's story and your blog with us. I wanted you to know that you and your family are in our prayers. We are praying for strength, courage and peace for you and your family and wisdom, skill and compassion for Judith's caretakers.

I wanted to also compliment you on your blog. The "rant" was very well written and I really enjoyed it. No pressure, but I look forward to future postings of good news and life-commentary. :o)

Becky Weeks

Unknown said...

I just wanted to let all of you know that I am still coming on here every day to check in on what is going on. I hope and pray that things are going to get better. Hopefully, it will be getting better from now on.
